“The Dark Knight Rises” review

“The Dark Knight Rises” continues the trilogy of the Batman movies. If you haven’t seen the other movies then this review probably isn’t for you. I will try and refrain from spoiling the movie for those of you who haven’t seen “The Dark Knight Rises”. I will caution you with a spoiler warning.

For anyone who has read the comics or knows the story of Batman, this movie follows the story theme well. You may be able to guess the next happening in the movie and be right!  “The Dark Knight Rises” was a great movie! The director did a fantastic job at following closely to the comics.

“The Dark Knight Rises” starts with the caped crusader living in retirement because of the events ending the previous movie. With the arrival of Bane (the main villain) Batman is forced out of the self-imposed retirement to save Gotham City.

In the original DC Comics, Bane was a master strategist and incredibly adept in hand-to-hand combat. With these skills, Bane was part of the League of Shadows (the ninja group that trained Batman).  The League, now under Bane’s control despite the League casting him out, has shown up in Gotham to finally destroy it.

This movie has a great story, plot, cast list, and visual effects. One would think this should be perfect, and in theory it is. However, the problem comes in that it’s a little redundant. In the first part of the movie when Batman resurrects himself to fight crime, one first thinks of the title and assumes Batman is rising to defeat the new villain Bane. Then we find out this is not true.


When Bane fights Batman and breaks his back (thus completing what Bane was created for in the comics) Batman is forced to re-rise. I felt as if the first half of the movie was a bit tedious and actually a waste of time.  Though it isn’t a big flaw, just drags the movie in length.

There are other flaws, mostly minor, but with impact:  Bane’s story and Catwoman’s. Catwoman lost most of her flirty charm that she had in the comics. Plus, in the comics she never fully showed an interest in dating Bruce Wayne. Bane however I felt was too simplified. In the comics, Bane was born and raised in a prison. After a long time of fighting and killing other prisoners. Bane was selected, because he was the strongest and thus the leader of the prison, to test out a new drug called venom. Venom under most circumstances would kill the host, but for bane, it made him incredibly strong, but it also grew an addiction to the drug for Bane. Bane in the movie was just another League of Shadows graduate. As a side note, I really wanted to see Osito, Bane’s teddy bear. I did  enjoy Robin going into the Bat cave.  For anyone who didn’t notice, Robin’s jacket was showing the color scheme for Nightwing (the original Robin). Nightwing is the first (of three) Robins.

Overall I would give “The Dark Knight Rises” an 8.5 out of 10 due to superb cast performance, but slightly boring middle.

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