No More Singing Valentines: Where is the Love?


Owensboro High School has always been a school based on tradition. A major part of that tradition is due to the repetition of signature “OHS” activities. One of the most beloved of these events has been the Singing Valentines fundraiser presented by members of student council every February.

The excitement they bring to the school is electric. One can feel the anticipation of the underclassmen waiting to be serenaded. One can hear the giggles of students recounting what valentines they’ve received in the hallways. It is truly one of the most exciting activities that OHS has to offer. However, this tradition is about to be broken.

This year it has been decided that the student council will not be hosting this event due to class interruptions. While it is understandable that Singing Valentines pose a distraction to learning, it is a very difficult pill for the students of OHS to swallow. This event has been a major stitch in the fabric of OHS’s tradition.

“Singing Valentines has been something that I look forward to every year,” says senior performer Susan Parker. “ I absolutely hate to see it go. I feel like it has been a part of OHS’ tradition for so long. It’s very upsetting that I only got to participate once when I’ve always envisioned Singing Valentines as an major part of my senior year.”

It has been rumored that the administration has decided that due to low-test scores class time should go uninterrupted to better the learning environment. While it is clear that something must be done to improve the success of OHS’ students on standardized testing, the answer is not in removing a significant event that is so highly anticipated.

Singing Valentines may interrupt classes but at a maximum of 15 minutes a class period. Even if a student experienced the most distraction possible they would only lose one out of six hours of instruction a day.

Additionally, Singing Valentines only last two days. That is 2 hours of class interruption for the entire year. It is highly unlikely that in those 2 hours students of OHS would learn enough to increase test scores by any significant amount. It is extremely difficult to state that getting rid of Singing Valentines would be worth removing such a crucial activity.

These Valentines bring so much excitement that they unite the people of OHS. It is a time that students walk the halls laughing about dancing skills instead of arguing over pointless drama and issues at home.

Ryan Morales, the president of Student Council, said, “I completely disagree with the decision of the OPS Board. Singing valentines is a tradition and something all Owensboro students look forward to throughout the year. It’s a shame that the freshmen won’t get to experience this tradition. I hope this helps our tests scores because it will come at a great cost.”

The students of OHS have always being understanding of administrative decisions. However, Singing Valentines is something of a completely different caliber. Owensboro High School’s morale will most certainly be damaged by the removal of this much loved tradition.

About emmahillmc

My name is Emma McFarland. I am currently a senior and the editor of the Digital Devil. I am a member of the OHS Swim team, Cross Country Team, National Honors Society, Student Council, Anyone Student Union, and Co-Ed Y.

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