The World of Monogramming

Monogramming is a creative initialing of items of choice. In the beginning, monogramming was used by people to label the things they made, usually craftsmen. In more modern times, it was used for home decor. It has now become a new fashion, to give things more value, and show possession or ownership.

Recently, monogramming popularity has gone up. The demand is high but luckily it is not very hard to find a reliable, cheap, and fast person to create the purchase of choice. Etsy is a new addition to the Internet containing interesting ideas in every category. Monogramming is huge on Etsy. Looking monograms up on this website will give you an outstanding amount of ideas. From seeing the normal monogrammed bags of all different sizes, to t-shirt pockets and headbands, the wide spread of this easy decoration is immense.

Stores have become stocked with one-letter monograms on everything to increase item sales. No matter one letter or a full name monogram, all is encouraged as a great investment. There are also many different types of font sizes and colors available to the person. Monograms are mostly seen sown on but can also be printed onto plastic, carved out of a material, or other ways people put together. The extent of monogramming in infinite.

Women are most commonly the gender sighted with monogrammed things. They have scarfs, handbags, socks, phone cases, jewelry, and basically anything a woman could obtain is monogramable. Men don’t exactly consider monogramming as masculine.

Sophomore, Marcus Jackson, says, “I think monogramming is cool but there isn’t very many things you can get for a guy.” Occasionally men are seen using monogram labeled brief cases or maybe a money clip or suitcase. Seeing a guy with something monogrammed is normally means their significant other caught the obsession to monogramming. The most common monogramming right now for teens are clothes, phone cases, car accessories, necklaces, key chains, etc.

Sophomore Claire Ottman said, “ For UCA cheerleading nationals this year, I got monogrammed tall socks. I got a lot of compliments.” .

The world of monogramming is so large; anyone can find something they would want to have. Keeping the trend alive and reaching new ideas of the creative decoration and labeling of monogramming is fun and exciting for everyone.

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