Cards Win National Title

At the Georgia Dome last night, Louisville won its first national championship since 1986, downing Michigan 82-76 in Atlanta. Luke Hancock, who became the first sub in tournament history to be designated as Most Outstanding Player, produced another huge game off the bench, scoring 22 points. Also, Pitino became the first coach to win national titles at two schools.

Along with Hancock, senior Peyton Siva led the Louisville Cardinals to victory with his leadership, determination, and heart to win. Last night was Siva’s final game as a Cardinal and he went out with a bang. What led the Cardinals to win last night was not only the leadership of Siva, but also Louisville’s most dynamic personality (that would be junior backcourt mate Russ Smith), most talented player (center Gorgui Dieng is a potential first-round draft pick) and most famous face (that, now, would be sophomore Kevin Ware, who became instantly recognizable after he broke his leg in last weekend’s game against Duke).

Kevin Ware’s injury was the most gruesome injury in college basketball history. His injury brought the team together and motivated them to “Win for Ware” and that’s what they did.
After the Cardinals were named 2013 National Champions, they were honored to cut down the net and celebrate their victory. When all the team had finished cutting down a part of the net, the basketball rim was lowered for Kevin Ware so he could cut off the rest of the net, which was an emotional moment for Cardinal fans and basketball fanatics around the country.

Make sure to tune in tonight, April 9, 2013 to watch the Lady Louisville Cardinals and UConn Huskies battle for the 2013 Girls National Championship.

Lady Devils Hoop to Win

This year the Lady Devils’ Basketball team, lead by head coach Emily Hernandez, has made long strides on the court in winning and improving as a team all-around. So far this season, the girls’ record is 11-6, meaning they have captured 11 wins and have been defeated 6 times. As the District Tournament is creeping closer, the girls are trying to keep their heads together and focus on what’s important; playing as a team and winning.

Several games into the season, senior Sade Greer, injured herself by chipping a bone in her foot causing her to be out for the rest of the season. Greer was the leader of the team and also leading scorer of the team.

“When Sade [Greer] got injured we all sort of lost our focus. In games no one really wants to step up and be the leader like Sade was before she got injured. She was the one who pulled us together as a team when we were struggling,” junior Jordin Crabtree said.

This is Crabtree’s first year playing for the Lady Devils. She played basketball for McLain County from 5th grade to 10th grade and then transferred here to OHS. Crabtree, a varsity player, has been a big scorer for the Lady Devils and has been a phenomenal addition to the team.

“Playing for Owensboro is a lot better than other teams I have played for, because the girls I play with have a lot of heart and want to win more games than they did last year,” Crabtree said.

Freshman Wesli Washington and Crabtree both agree that playing against her in a game motivates them to play harder and try to win.

As most girl basketball players’ in this region can agree with, senior Rebecca Greenwell from Owensboro Catholic is a player they have to keep their eyes on. Greenwell in Ranked 5th Nationally and has played for the Women’s USA Olympic Basketball Team.

“Playing against her [Greenwell] motivates me to play harder, because there will most likely be someone important watching her, meaning if I play my best they will take notice in me and keep me in mind for the future,” Washington said.

The Lady Devils play Catholic one last time in the District Tournament coming up. Hoping to prove to everyone that they can defeat the Lady Aces.
“In District Tournament I believe we can beat Owensboro Catholic. If we play as a team and keep our heads together and not fall apart when times get hard we can come out on top and win,” Washington said.

Make sure to come out and support our Lady Devils in the District Tournament this year and cheer them on to victory! We are OWENSBORO!

A game called “Hantis”

On Sunday afternoons at Lexington’s Woodland Park, you can see people pull off some fierce tricks, make amazing shots, and go back and forth in some serious volleys.

But here’s the thing. The tricks aren’t being performed at the skate park. The shots aren’t being made in a basketball game. The volleys might involve a tennis ball, but it’s not happening on any tennis court.

It’s happening in “Hantis”, a hybrid game/sport born and developed in Kentucky. And its creators have a plan — make this accessible game a widespread sporting phenomenon.

The game got its start in 2005 at Scott County High School in Georgetown. Co-creators Thaxton Marshall, Ben Fatheree and Jason Johns were practically inseparable best friends who were taking a media class together. It was the last period of the day, and as is the case with many high schoolers, they got bored and therefore “Hantis” was born.

First, they made a makeshift table tennis table, using two tables, wedged notebook binders as a net and their hands as paddles. The one-on-one match soon became a doubles match, resulting in the eventual addition of extra tables that were later spread apart, losing the impromptu notebook net and taking on the appearance of four square. From here, the first version of Hantis was born.

So, what exactly is Hantis? Basically, while the game’s name is a mash-up of the words “hand” and “tennis,” it combines elements of table tennis and four square with similar rules. With one ball and four tables, teams of two try to get an opposing player out by bouncing the ball off a table and either causing it to hit the table twice or bounce once and hit the ground. But unlike table tennis, a player may hit the ball twice during a possession before hitting it toward the opposing team.

There are plenty of additional elements to Hantis that give the game its distinct identity, whether it’s the ability to roam freely from table to table, being able to bounce the ball off surrounding objects and trick shots. Plus, players may choose to play for points or rotate like four square to get larger groups involved.

The people behind Hantis said that while the main priority has been to get the word out, they’ve also taken on a secondary mission to use Hantis as a way to get people more active.

Senior Zac Garrard and many other friends participate in Hantis. They found out about this game this summer at GSP (Governor Scholar Program). They brought this game into OHS and play almost every day in their free time in the gym. They started off having 6 players coming out to play, but now if you go to watch them play they have almost the whole gym full of boys wanting to play.

Down and Out: Injured Athletes Suffer Mentally,Physically

Being a student athlete comes with many obstacles. One of many trials that atheltes face is getting injured in practice or competition. This can be a really heart breaking moment especially if they are a senior and it is their last year to play the sport they love in high school. For most athletes that get injured their senior year, their high school sports career is over. This not only affects them as an individual athlete, but affects their whole team.

“As a starting linebacker, I believe that (my injury) not only effected me but also my teammates,” senior Jordan Mayer said.

In the football game against Apollo Mayer partially tore his UCL, which is in his upper arm/elbow.
“My first thought when I got hurt was my career was over as an OHS football player,” Mayer said.

Luckily, Mayer is healing up pretty well and hopes to join the team in the game against Calloway County or Hopkins County Central. After he hurt his arm he thought his season was over but maybe he will have another chance to play as an Owensboro Red Devil.

Taryn Lewis, also a senior at OHS, tore a tendon right under the ball of her ankle. The result is thatendons to roll over the ball. Unfortunately, Lewis got injured at practice before the season even started.

“The hardest thing about it all is not being out there on the field with my teammates. I feel disconnected with them because I’m not in their shoes anymore,” Lewis said.

Recently, Lewis had her cast taken off but is struggling to gain strength in her right ankle. She is expected to fully recover soon, though exactly when she’ll be back on the field is not sure.

Getting injured in the sport you love can be very depressing because you have to watch other people do what you should be doing and sometimes it’s not fair. You have to think positive and maybe the outcome will come out in your favor.

“Some advice I give myself is to just be patient and know that eventually I’ll have my time. My heart goes out to Meera Patel (senior) and Mallory Galloway (freshman) because they are both out for the season and I can only imagine what it feels like,” Lewis said.

Who’s in, Who’s out

This school year, OHS has welcomed not only new students but also a handful of new teachers and administration. Some of the teachers and administration that are new to this school are coming from different schools, jobs or are just now starting their career here. Being new to a school can sometimes be overwhelming but the positive thing about it is the atmosphere of being at a new place, forming new friendships, and being an Owensboro Red Devil!
Mr. Brian Benjamin, our new assistant principal, started off as the Freshman dean at Daviess County High School in 2010 then moved to Wayland Elementary to become the assistant principal for the last two years.
“OHS is definitely different than Wayland Elementary, 5-11 year olds are a little different than 15-18 year olds,” Benjamin said.
Coming from an elementary school with younger kids to a high school with teenagers can be a big change in atmosphere and you see a lot of new personalities. Especially the atmosphere of Owensboro can be a big change because it’s more diverse than most of the school in the Daviess County District.
“OHS definitely has a tradition and history unlike any place I have ever been. I think it shows in the school spirit of the students and the commitment of the staff,” Benjamin said.
Furthermore, a lot of new staff had to be hired due to retirement of teachers, higher enrollments, and new courses brought to our school.
Mr. Kim Swift, the Government and Geography teacher, has been retired from teaching for couple years and served as a basketball coach for Daviess County Boys Basketball before he came here.
“Owensboro is the largest high school that I have ever taught at in 30 years of teaching, but more importantly, it is the most caring school that I have taught in, both for the faculty and for the students,” Swift said.
Being a new teacher, Swift (along with other new teachers) noticed positive and negative things about the school.
“The most positive aspects of Owensboro High School are the progressive attitude of the administration, teacher, and students. Everybody seems to take pride in it being a great school. The negative aspect would have to be all the emails I get everyday and trying to keep up with other duties which takes away from my focus on teaching, but that’s life of a teacher these days,” Swift said.
Also, an addition to our school is junior English teach Ms. Lee Ann Flener. Flener graduated from Western Kentucky and taught at Warren Central High School in Bowling Green before she came here to pursue her teaching career. Ms. Flener replaced Ms. Hall who now teaches at Daviess County. So far she Flener takes pride in being an Owensboro Red Devil!
“Being a Red Devil to me means having pride in a school that I’m excited I get to be part of that is nationally ranked and one that truly cares about the success of their students. It’s a great feeling!” Flener said.
Ms. Melissa Crawford, new U.S History teacher and volleyball coach, is also an addition to the Owensboro High School staff. Several years previously, she has been a substitute at OHS and is just now pursuing an actual teaching job here.
To give our new teachers and administration a warm welcome, introduce yourself the next time you get a chance and make their transition even more positive then it already has been. It’s the least you can do; our teachers are here to give back to you, the students!

Stay Positive OHS!

Is the cup half empty or half full? This is a common expression used to indicate that a particular situation someone is going through could be a cause of optimism (half full) or pessimism (half empty). The real purpose of this question is to show that the situation may be seen in different ways depending on someone’s point of view. Everyone’s point of view or perception of objects and events are unique to every individual.

Each day an individual’s perception or point of view on things can change for better or for worse. One day they might be a very positive person and the next day something triggered their personality to think negatively. It’s all about the way people think.

Shakespeare once said, “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Meaning, everything good or bad that happens to you is what you make it out be. “What you see is what you get.” A big part of therapy is working to understand that what you see in your life has a lot to do with how you see it.

Perspectives influence EVERYTHING. We see things through a filter and not how they really are. Everyone has a personality and that personality alters their perceptions.  Pessimists have a different take on life than optimists. If you are leaning towards depression, your sense of life takes on a gray shade. If you are somewhat anxious, everything goes at a slightly higher speed.

The good news about how you perceive your life is that relative changes can be made in your basic approach in life. A good and positive change in your filter doesn’t change who you are. It helps you become a better version of yourself.

Have you ever asked yourself if your cup is half empty or full? This question could really tell you a lot about yourself and how you perceive your life. It could make you more conscious to be more positive because no one likes a negative person.


I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Most people go to school just for the social reason (forgetting that it’s even a required law to enroll in school), part of that social reason includes boyfriends and girlfriends. Some students lose focus of what the purpose of school is and life in general. When a boyfriend or girlfriend comes into the picture teens start to get all their priorities messed up and put their boyfriend or girlfriend at the top of the list where God should be their main priority or family. Some teens that walk the halls insist that they must always have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That trait in a person can be very annoying to other people. There’s more to life that having a relationship, especially in high school people! The main reason people even started dating was so they could find the person that they were going to marry. Chances are you’re not going to get married at age 16, or even at 18.
Josh Harris, the author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Is a book in which Harris gives people, especially young adults to take on a new attitude towards dating. The core message of the book isn’t about “dating,” but living your life for God. In his book he shares “7 habits of highly defective dating”. Here are some that some teens can relate to and live out:
• Dating distracts young adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future.
• Dating creates an artificial environment for evaluating someone’s character.
• Dating often isolates a couple from other vital relationships.
• Dating often mistakes a physical relationship for love
• Dating tends to skip the ‘friendship’ stage of a relationship.

He also says in his books that unless a man is prepared to ask a woman to be his wife, then why have a relationship or claim her exclusive attention? Also, he gives out hints about dating. He says friendship is about something other than the two people, something other than the two friends being together. The key to friendship is a common goal or object on which both companions focus. As soon as the two people involved focus on the relationship, it has moved beyond friendship. Include others, such as your family and friends instead of isolating yourself with just one person. Finally, seek opportunities to serve, not to be entertained.
If you want to read more about dating, just go and buy Josh Harris’ book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye. This book is very resourceful and will most likely change your perspective on dating and help you take careful steps in finding the perfect relationship in the future.

A Pill for Every Ill?

As kids grow up, their parents preach to them day after day to “Say no” to drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, etc. But when their son or daughter starts losing focus in their academics, athletics, and have a hard time staying on task, many times they take them to the doctor without hesitation to find out what’s wrong. The doctors will always tell you that they can “fix” the problem by shoving prescription medicine into their system. For example, they prescribe the child to Vyvance, which helps ADHD people focus more. Of course, this pill sounds like it would help the child put his or her focus back into his or her academics and athletics, but many users pass up the small print on the side of the bottles that state the side effects of the medicine. According to, Vyvance has side effects such as constipation; decreased appetite; diarrhea; dizziness; dry mouth; headache; increased sweating; mild irritability, nervousness, or restlessness; nausea; trouble sleeping; unpleasant taste; upper stomach pain; vomiting; weight loss.
Surely you don’t care about all those side effects, right? Because even though it might cause all these things it’s going to help you. What you don’t know is the chemicals in the prescription pills can mess with the natural chemicals in your body, which throws off your whole body and alters your brain chemistry, hormones, and mentality.
Whether it over the counter drugs or prescription medications, as a society, we’ve become dependent on doctors and pharmacists to cure our illnesses. If you think about it, there seems to be a pill for just about everything. We try to find relief from pain so that we can function and get more things done. But all we are doing is giving the pharmaceutical industry billions or dollars from the sale of these prescription drugs.
Don’t you think instead of taking all these medicines that alter our bodies, we should just let nature take it’s course? In our society, children and teenagers are immune to taking prescriptions drugs to “fix” their problems. They don’t realize what it is really doing to their body. They take these drugs because their parents and doctors tell them that when they have pain, discomfort or something doesn’t feel right in their body, they can just pop a pill and everything will be fine.
“Prescription medication can be beneficial based on the mental health diagnosis,” SAP coordinator Summer Bell said.
Prescription medication is the only way to treat some illnesses. An illness such Schizophrenia is something that should be treated and can’t be helped without medication.
So, before jumping to prescription pills to fix everything, research and think about all the bad that could be happening inside people’s bodies over all the good that could come out of it. Think about the alternative and natural things that could replace the unnatural chemicals that are altering people’s bodies and behaviors.
If you’re a person that has had a negative experience with prescription drugs and get old enough so that you are able to control your own medical history, you could think about trying some alternative therapies such as acupuncture or other homeopathic medications. When you become a parent you could also think about learning more about prescription drugs so you could teach your child about the pros and cons that come with the pills.

Toms vs. Bobs

On October 21, 2010 Sketchers copied the concept behind “Toms” shoes but named their shoes “Bobs”. Just like Toms, when you buy a pair of Bobs, Sketchers donates a pair of shoes to a child in need. One major difference is that Toms donates their shoes to children outside the United States and Bobs donates their shoes to children here in the United States.
“I prefer Toms more because they were here first and express more originality than Bobs, but I can see why people also prefer Bobs because they give and extra pair of shoes to a child in the U.S while Toms give shoes to children out of the country,” junior Zac Garrard said.
Even though many question the originality of the Bobs,  some people still prefer the Bobs to Toms.
“I don’t have anything against Toms but I have a pair of Bobs because they’re easy to find and they are a lot more cheaper than Toms,” sophomore Skyler Chilton said.
Since Toms came out before Bobs many people had jumped on to the bandwagon of Toms shoes before Bobs even came out.
“I like Toms better because Toms came before Bobs and I think Toms are mission centered, they really want to reach out and give kids shoes (more compassion money) and Bobs are just more for profit, popularity and status. I think Sketchers made Bobs Just to give Sketchers a new boost, because Sketchers aren’t the coolest shoes. Once you buy your first pair of Toms, you can never go back or switch over to Bobs,” junior Lily Soza said.
Also, Toms come in more styles and designs that people think are more presentable than Bobs. Bobs just come in the basic colors and don’t have that many cute designs on them.
“Toms come with many other designs, Bobs come in your basic colors, but when it comes to who gets the other pair I say Bobs are better. It’s like if you were a mother, you would want to feed your own child, before you feed another’s,” senior Kaelin Kellems said.
A lot of people around the world say Toms are so worth the price and that Bobs are wannabes of Toms, but then others say Bobs are better because of the price and how much cheaper they are. When it comes down to it you’re either a Bobs fan or a Toms fan, there is no in-between. Which one do you like better and why?

Everyone says Yo’ to the new Yolo in town

Could the tasty treats and cool atmosphere make YoLo in Wesleyan Park Plaza a new hangout?

Several new places are popping up all over town and one of them is the new frozen yogurt place called Yolo. The grand opening was last Saturday, November 7th and it’s located in Wesleyan Park Plaza next to Five Guys Burgers and Fries. When you walk into Yolo it’s very colorful, retro, and refreshing. There unique paintings all over the walls and  it’s very futuristic looking.

On top of serving all kinds of frozen yogurt (such as dark chocolate, white chocolate, birthday cake, cookies and cream, tropical sorbet, orange sorbet, apple pie, wild strawberry, lemon ice box pie, California tart and raspberry tart) They also serve a variety of gelato flavors. Gelato is ust an Italian-style ice cream that is lower fat.

“The flavors of the frozen yogurt rotate about every month so people don’t get bored with the same old flavor every time they come in,” manager Frank Adcock said. YoLo doesn’t serve customers in the normal manner. You get your own yogurt from machines in the wall.  After filling your gigantic cup of frozen yogurt up you get to choose any toppings you want; from candies to cookies to refreshing fruits. Then, when you’re finished, you weigh your cup and the weight decides how much you will have to pay.
If you decide to get gelato there are 3 sizes you can chose from: a 4oz, which is $3.25, a 6oz that is $4.50, and an 8oz, which is $5.75. In my opinion, that is terribly overpriced for a little cup of gelato. On the other hand, the taste of the gelato will knock your socks off, so, it’s worth it.
“I got strawberry frozen yogurt and it was great! I love Yolo, I think it’s delicious,” said junior Katie Janowski.
Yolo is open Sunday through Thursday starting at 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and open on Friday and Saturday at 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Also, if you’re looking for some free Wi-Fi, Yolo is the place to go with a good environment to chill out on your computer or do some homework while enjoying some refreshing frozen yogurt.
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful, and YoLo will soon have competition in “OBKY.”  Orange Leaf, also a frozen yogurt place similar to Yolo, will soon be up and running. One of the shop’s investors is UK Men’s Basketball Coach John Calipari, which means a lot of UK fans will be enjoying Orange Leaf.
Overall, these new frozen yogurt places are definitely a plus for Owensboro, Kentucky.