Play Station 4

Sony, the developer of the Play Station Consoles, has tossed their hat into the ring for Next Generation Consoles. Sony’s new addition to the family is obviously the Play Station 4.  As unveiled on Wednesday at the Sony press release.

The console will be featuring the new controller, and a new console. However, in the new Console release Sony didn’t show the actual CONSOLE. Sony never once showed the new console at the press release. However, they talked about it the whole time.

The PlayStation 4 will now be a more “Social” System. It will be featuring a enhanced picture output, and new operating system to boot. The next PlayStation is pushing to be more, “Social.” Along with this, “Interesting” new step, Sony is keeping out backwards compatibility. (For those who don’t know, basically the new system can’t play Play Station 3 games.) Sony’s new Play Station also won’t bring your PSN purchases onto the new system.

However, in a lighter note, the Play Station 4’s controller is a serious step in a good direction. If you don’t follow controller schematics very closely, the Play Station 3’s controller has minor motion control. Just basic movements, not Wii remote level, but close to it. The new controller has both updated motion control, a touch pad, increased battery life, increased rumble features, and it is show casing the new “Eye” software/hardware for the new Play Station. The new “Eye” software is a new paten from Sony for the PlayStation. Not much has been released, but it could be the new PlayStation version of the Xbox’s Kinect, from the old PlayStation 2. Controllers stepping forward is great for an industry constantly pushing to redesign older creations into new and improved designs. We have for far too long accepted these outdated controllers and accepted them.

At the press release, developers announced new games to be released. The old controllers have worked for their time, but now newer technology is surpassing the current day technology. In the new game line-up announcements were: Watchdogs, Infamous, Killzone, Bungie’s new Destiny, and Diablo 3. Yes. Diablo 3. Blizzard has announced it’s first steps at becoming a console studio, but with Diablo 3?  A few other studios tossed their hat in too saying they will be creating new games for the new system. Hopefully Sony doesn’t repeat in their trip up for the PlayStation 3 release, when it had such a small pool of games to pick from. As far as Social goes, the console has a “Share” button built into the controller, and a headphone jack on the controller for ease of use. The system also was said to have a focus on connecting with your friends.