Borderlands 2 Review

Salvador Driving the new Bandit Mechanical into one of the new monsters.

Borderlands 2 was released September 18th. Gearbox’s first person shooter/role playing Game was a smashing success; for those of you who haven’t bop on over to and look for the Borderlands 2 article. The game’s new features work wonderfully into the Borderlands formula. The new classes (the Commando, the Siren, the Gunzerker, and the Assassin) are fun to play as and play with. Each class offers a unique gameplay style to use. Example, the Commando, the class I primarily use, is a head-strong character that has a powerful turret that can be molded into any type of turret that is needed. You can use the turret as another gun, as a big explosive, or as a shield to block enemy fire. Each of the other classes all can be molded to fit an individual player’s play style. The classes being very distinct offers a wide range of replay-ability to the game. The game’s new features also add new experiences to the game. The enemies aren’t as formulaic to take down now. Some turning to kill each other, some switching sides to help you, and some dance around you doing small amounts of damage. These enemies mix it up to make sure the game doesn’t get too repetitive to the point of hold the trigger till everything stops moving; although, the mass amounts of “loot” boxes and such will be slightly overwhelming. The vast majority will contain nothing but $4, but after a while that money stacks. Plus money plays a much bigger role to the player if used correctly.  The game also has a more substantial plot than Borderlands 1 did. Borderlands 2 has each of the original four characters from the first game, plus a new group of cast to add in. With this multitude of people in the game, players will come across a wide range of missions assigned to them. Borderlands 2 also is scheduled to have four D.L.C’s (Down Loadable Content) that are supposed to be longer than the longest one from 1. These four D.L.C’s will offer an even father horizon to the game. Plus Gearbox, the creative studio behind Borderlands, has announced more D.L.Cs to be released such as new characters, vehicles, and new types of weapons. These add-ons once again will make borderlands 2 even better than It was on ship day. The game comes highly recommended to anyone looking for a new game to get. You and 3 friends can go tear apart Pandora with joy and glee.